Good for you for taking the initiative to find out who is treating you. The more informed you are, the more in charge of your health you are; & I strongly advocate the same for everyone you entrust with your healthcare.

Your Practitioner: Elly Grace Numia

For those who are returning, & are not sure if they have the same person, yes I have changed my name through marriage & divorce - life experiences and lessons. 


I LOVE empowering people to be really well, (not just put up with health issues) . I started working in health as a nurse aged 18 years old. Since then, I’ve successfully treated people in more than 28,000 consultations in my clinics, plus abundant patients in various hospital environments, while nursing & being a naturopathic healer.

HUMBLE BRAGG:- I am a highly energetic person & a natural sponge for knowledge;  so I’ve built a wealth of experience and skills in both orthodox and complementary medicine. For the last 30 years, I have served humanity as a natural health practitioner and  I founded my company, ‘Numia’ - a soul-centred health service. in 1996.

  • 20 years Nursing

  • Naturopath & Medical Herbalist 30 years

  • Kinesiologist- ICPKP  & NIS

  • Network Fitness leader Personal Trainer

  • Adult Educator, coach & mentor. 

  • A large variety of physical body-work modalities; see body work information tab.

  • Naam Yoga  Therapist & Kundalini Yoga teacher

  • Shaman, medical intuitive & channel.

  • A mum to a beautiful daughter & dog

  • I am also an author of the STOP the STUCK books, available from myself or on Amazon.


I am very grateful, I can use my God-given talents as a "body whisper" combined with years of skills & experience in facilitating health improvements, to connect into what people need, in order to heal, on a soul-directed level. I do this very holistically, looking at a person's physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and even inter-dimensional / past live selves, intuitively & logically. I treat the whole person, with love and respect for their body's healing flow.

My areas of knowledge & experience, allow us the opportunity to help you gain insight into your own life; to reframe, refocus & heal any challenges or obstacles you're having, in order to support you to move through them.

"Women need real moments of solitude and self reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away." Barbera De Angelis